Monitor Italia: Europa, ultima chiamata | T-Mag | il magazine di Tecnè

Monitor Italia: Europa, ultima chiamata

Aumenta la quota di italiani che lascerebbero l’Unione europea, ma il 12% sarebbe pronto a cambiare idea se l’UE facesse qualcosa di concreto sull’emergenza Covid-19.

di Redazione

L’emergenza sanitaria, causata dal coronavirus, rappresenta la sfida più importante per l’Unione europea, dopo la crisi dell’Eurozona. Le istituzioni europee la fronteggiano in un clima di crescente sfiducia da parte degli italiani: il 42% chiede di uscire dall’Unione europea, una percentuale in crescita notevole rispetto al 26% del 2018. Questo è quanto emerge dall’ultimo monitor Italia realizzato dall’istituto di ricerca Tecnè per l’Agenzia Dire. Contemporaneamente è crollata la quota di chi, invece, sostiene di voler restare nell’Ue, ad oggi, al 44%, pari al 21% in meno rispetto a due anni fa. Dichiara di non sapere il 14%. Nel 2018 era il 9%.

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A quanti si sono espressi per l’uscita o la permanenza nell’Ue, Tecnè ha chiesto se potrebbero cambiare idea. Tra i favorevoli all’abbandono, il 30% ha dichiarato che non lo farebbe in nessun caso – la percentuale scende al 28 tra chi vuole restare –, mentre il 12% ha ammesso che potrebbe farlo, solo se l’Ue facesse qualcosa di concerto sull’emergenza Covid-19. Tra gli italiani a favore della permanenza, il 16% potrebbe cambiare idea, solo se l’Ue non facesse nulla di concerto. Dunque, la risposta delle istituzioni europee all’emergenza sanitaria avrà conseguenze inevitabili sulla fiducia degli italiani. Detto, altrimenti: per l’Unione europea, questa potrebbe essere la cosiddetta ultima chiamata.

La Lega perde lo 0,5% rispetto all’ultima rilevazione e si attesta ora al 28,5%. Il Partito democratico stabile al 21,8%, mentre Fratelli d’Italia, grazie ad un aumento dello 0,1% dei consensi, si attesta al 14,5%, staccando ancora il Movimento 5 Stelle, adesso in crescita dello 0,4%, al 14,1%. Forza Italia si attesta al 7% (+0,1%), Italia Viva registra un lieve calo rispetto alla scorsa settimana, al 2,8% (-0,1%). La Sinistra sale al 2,8% (+0,1%). Stabili, invece, i Verdi all’1,8%. Infine, mentre Azione registra una crescita dello 0,1% e raggiunge l’1,7% dei consensi, +Europa scende all’1,5% (-0,1% rispetto all’ultima rilevazione). Gli altri partiti raccolgono il 3,5% delle preferenze (-0,1%). L’area dell’astensione e degli incerti si attesta al 45,8% (+0,2%).

Anche questa settimana, Tecnè ha sondato la fiducia degli italiani verso il governo: il 31,8% ha dichiarato di averne, confermando un trend in crescita, in corso da tre settimane. Cresce, contemporaneamente, la quota di chi, invece, ha detto di non aver fiducia nell’esecutivo, adesso 63,5%, pari all’1,2% in più rispetto a sette giorni fa. Cala, infine, la percentuale degli italiani che ha ammesso di non essersi fatto un’opinione, al 4,7%, il 2% in meno.

Campione di 1.000 casi, rappresentativo della popolazione maggiorenne italiana, articolato per sesso, età, area geografica
Estensione territoriale: intero territorio nazionale
Interviste effettuate il 9-10 aprile 2020 con metodo Cati e Cawi
Totale contatti: 4.228 (100%) – rispondenti: 1.000 (23,7%) – rifiuti/sostituzioni: 3.228 (76,3%)
Margine di errore +/-3,1%
Soggetto che ha realizzato il sondaggio: Tecnè srl
Committente: Agenzia DIRE

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25 Commenti per “Monitor Italia: Europa, ultima chiamata”

  1. […] Presentiamo l’ultimo sondaggio Tecnè. La rilevazione è stata pubblicata dall’Agenzia Dire il 10 aprile 2020. […]

  2. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  3. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  4. […] extra coronavirus deaths than any other European nation, a pair of polls contain confirmed. A recent poll confirmed that 42% of Italian voters must ride away the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Yet some other […]

  5. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  6. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  7. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  8. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  9. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  10. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  11. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  12. […] من أي دولة أوروبية أخرى، أظهرت استطلاعات متعددة. أ استطلاع حديث للرأي أظهر أن 42٪ من الناخبين الإيطاليين يريدون مغادرة […]

  13. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  14. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  15. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  16. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  17. […] muertes por coronavirus que cualquier otro país europeo, múltiples encuestas han demostrado. UN encuesta reciente mostró que el 42% de los votantes italianos quieren abandonar la UE, frente al 26% en 2018. Otra […]

  18. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  19. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  20. […] suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, a number of polls have proven. A recent poll confirmed that 42% of Italian voters wish to go away the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey […]

  21. […] suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, a number of polls have proven. A recent poll confirmed that 42% of Italian voters wish to depart the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey […]

  22. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  23. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

  24. […] more deaths from coronavirus than any other European country, several searches were displayed. AN recent research showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, against 26% in 2018. Another survey Voter […]

  25. […] has suffered more coronavirus deaths than any other European country, multiple polls have shown. A recent poll showed that 42% of Italian voters want to leave the EU, up from 26% in 2018. Another survey found […]

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